By Sheina Dieva - 11.53
After watching Alice in Wonderland (1951) I found some good words.
Now I shall never get out. It's a good advice to stay where you are until someone finds you. But who'd ever think to look for me here? If I'd listened earlier, I wouldn't be here. That's just the trouble with me, I give myself a very good advice but I very seldom follow it, that explains the trouble that I'm always in. "Be patient" is very good advice, but the waiting makes me curious. And I'd love the change, should something strange begin? Well, I went along my merry way and I never stopped to reason. I should have know there'd be a price to pay somedayMany people said I should take a rest for my ownself. I deserved it, finally. But i dont know why I need it instead I feel the fear is should be feeling.
Mom, Dad, Who am I? Why you bring me here? Why did you happy at first time you saw me but now leave me this way?
Should you both do this or actually I am that should move out? No one give me any reason, I feel lost. So lost that I cant find my way to both of you.
Dad, you're now with a lady that you choose first time as your loved.
Mom, you're now with a man that you choose now whom do you think understand you this way.
What about me? Where should I am going to?