New Year!
By Sheina Dieva - 12.24
New Year is a new beginning, bhahaha me retarded always updating late post.
Whatever, I'm too excited for this.
It's new year on 1st January and guess what? That's my second monthversary, yep!
So by this post, allowed me to share my design for my beloved chinese boyf
happy 2nd my beloved!
Oh and in 2015 I have a lot of plan that we're going to do, wish all of them come true;)
I really like to post a happy and full of joy picture, just like this one
taken in MOI-Land, North Jakarta
It's like we had our own happiness, yes I couldn't thank more for what God gave to me. Dear Nino, if you're reading into this then you are blessed!
He's full of surprise, you know what? He gave me my favorite doll, I really like deer. I like deer like I love my self, it's pretty cool.
He told me that it supposed to be my bday's gift
I named it Derusa, taking selfie with Derusa is my new hobby lmao. He's cute!
You should see this one, when I'm falling in love....
Deeply in love...
I made him a design..
Did you realize that the design is quietly same as my second monthversary? Hahaha.
He loves blue, I made him the blue one. I called him Blue. He's my blue, I'm drowning inside his love, it much and I can't contain for more.
Nope nope, I could take it for a long time. I just can't swim in it bcs I'd rather drowning in it :p
Wish you a great happy new year! Have a great year with the one that you love